émission hebdo SE0325 – Ferdinand Richard à Kou Machida

SE0325 – Ferdinand Richard à Kou Machida

No Titre de la pièce Artiste ou groupe 1  A la caisse (1981) Ferdinand Richard 2  孤独死こわい I don’t want to die alone おとぼけビ〜バ〜 3   The Scream of the Horses Glowing White Magik Markers 4  B4.1914 Svart 5  Gavanti Samba John Gavanti 6  Pretty Nun Androids Of Mu 7  The Gold of Netsa Reseau …

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émission hebdo SE324 – Big Black à The White Noise & The Welfare State

SE324 – Big Black à The White Noise & The Welfare State

Big Black – Passing Complexion Chaos UK – Four Minute Warning Whitney K – Trans-Canada Oil Boom Blues My Cat is an Alien – De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium Anenzephalia – Prozac Patrol Télédétente4 666 – La descente Dali’s Car – The Waking Hour – 02 – His Box Molr Drammaz – Mgla Very Mental – …

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