SE0122 – Aleister Crowley Beat : TOPY, Coil, Current 93, et les autres

SE0122 – Aleister Crowley Beat : TOPY, Coil, Current 93, et les autres

Émission partiellement consacrée aux émules de Psychic TV et amateurs tous azimut d’Aleister Crowley, mystico-mystificateur.


Au programme :


001 – Eye Flys – Stems
001 – S. Ptice – Excerpt ( 1985 Yugoslav)
3333 – Sickila and the lost souls – They live
4444 – MC Yallah x Debmaster (Uganda)- Teba Kuda Mabega
6666 – Opéra De Nuit – Ami ! Amant !
Lemon Kittens – Shakin All Over



2000 – Slogun – Death Comes High
c2020 – Bob Vylan – We Live Here
d2020 – Bob Vylan – Fighting By The Church
Nurse With Wound – Great Balls Of Fur


001b – Aleister Crowley-The Pentagram
003 – DIJ and Boyd Rice – Shadows of the Night
003 – Zos Kia – Be Like Me
004 – Coil A Warning From The Sun (For Fritz)
Clock DVA- 7DC
Threshold Houseboys Choir – Lama Gyurme’s Offering Chant


LaSHTAL – Kundalini
1984 – Lustmord – At The Mountains Of Madness
1986 – Current 93 – Killykillkilly (A Fire Sermon)

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